Sunday, August 9, 2009

A loser named Victor, who is named a winner.

This is the first of many blogs about.

-Society as a slut.
-Jesus, Allah, & Shiva vs. Yoda.
-Star Wars of course.
-And of course funny jokes with a side of facts.

Isn't it weird, how our parents love us from day one, and some of us assholes repay them by putting them in nursing homes when they're older. Wow, just mind boggling isn't. A generation of betraying offspring.

By the way check out that movie Amadeus.

Its pretty much Mozart and a guess of how his life and death was. The typical rock star life diagram.
-Guy gets famous.
-Guy gets married
-Guy gets into trouble.
-Guy dies.
-Guy's music survives his death.

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